The 'Seven gates of wisdom', are seven spaces of consciousness that influence our actions unconsciously. Their influence on our lives is through behavior models, thinking modes, feelings, denials, justifications and behavior patterns that we identify with and work through in the content fields in which we are interested and specialize. One can learn how to be aware of the influence of the seven spaces of consciousness. The study is done through introspection. The purpose of the study is to allow you to properly manage your interior space.
Learning does not happen in one meeting, but the more we look at the seven spaces of consciousness, the more we become clear to ourselves. That is why the study is suitable for people who understand that every woman and man is responsible for managing their own lives; that each of us is a kind of manager who imposes his personality on the content fields of our lives, responsibly, while identifying with the values that lead the behavior; The study is suitable for people who are ready to examine and criticize themselves, because each of us succeeds in one area and fails in another in our personal and professional lives.
The first understanding in the study is that every person, man and woman, is a multidimensional space in which there are pleasant and comfortable areas, and other areas that are not comfortable. Knowing the structure of the inner space helps to understand your essence and feel better about yourself. The second understanding is that the inner space talks to us through contents transmitted to us as emotions, thoughts, sensations, images, and insights, dreams and sometimes in other signs.
When you study the 'Seven Gates of Wisdom' way, you learn an orderly internal map that includes, among other things, all the psychological models that have been written up to today, the year 2023, and more values are added to them. The map depicts a whole person and everyone can find themselves in it. It is a collective model which is its beauty expressing a whole that none of us maintains and on the other hand in it each and every one finds wholeness according to the character and personal structure.
A paradox?
But it works and enriches our understanding of ourselves and of life, because seeing the whole deepens the understanding of the parts and enables an understanding of life processes.
Mishna Sanhedrin 4:5: "The greatness of the King of kings, blessed be He, is that a man seals a hundred coins with one seal, and they all have dominion over one another, the Holy King of kings, blessed be He, seals all men with the seal of the first Adam, and none of them is similar to the other".
This is also a paradox and humanity lives by it.
People often tell me about hardships in different areas of life. Everyone may feel distress in some area. Sometimes it seems that we are actually very successful in a certain area but continue to experience oppressive discomfort in another area. The distressed is ignored, one tries to forget it, repress it. Yet, like a troublesome child, it does not let go and reappears, peeking around the corner. Our hardships have two sides, the personal side that is unique only to us and the collective side that is common to the human kind. As the body parts of humans are similar to each other, so the inner being of humans exists within a uniform image common to all humans. And within the common image, with each and every one, there are different contents, in a different order, with varying degrees of importance.
A person, his worldview, his qualities and the plot of his life are not only the result of passions, physical needs, interests, feelings, emotions, opinions, thoughts, attitudes and principles that guide behavior and response. They are the result of the more complex internal structure that also has spiritual values that refer to the process and the perception of perfection. Part of this structure is hidden or forgotten for periods of time, but even hidden it continues to influence behavior. We act, we create results and we don't always fully understand what is happening or what we are doing and how we influence and what we are influenced by, and yet we continue to act.
The 'Gates of Wisdom' method describes all the parts that make up a person and the plot of life as spaces that contain content. The three basic concepts are 'space', 'content', 'form'. Knowing the model enables an understanding of the structure of the personal space, its components and the way it is managed. The ability to learn and know the model depends on two basic rules:
The first rule is the desire to accept responsibility and manage the systems of our lives.
The second rule is readiness and willingness to explore and get to know the inner space in all its parts through daily observation and practice.
During the study, you get to know basic parts of the map
· The perception of the self as a space and not as an object;
· the interpersonal "external" space perceived in the mind as the 'world outside', is it really 'outside'?
· How does our physical body communicate?
· Studying the map of the inner space known in everyday language as the 'inner world';
· Breathing practice – the four breathing steps that enable introspection and spiritual development.
· Characterization of the seven main content fields and the contents that characterizes them and determine the personality.
· Characterization of the twelve content fields of operation in the interpersonal space.
· Five spiritual tools that manage the fields of content and activate the plot of life;
· Multiple inner characters - representing patterns of behavior;
· Practice - guided imagery and the grammar of symbolic language - which enable introspection;
· Signs that reflect the connection between the inner space and the interpersonal, outer space.
· Develop sensitivity and attention to sensations, awareness of breathing, imagination, memory, and the experience of existence.
In our daily life in Western culture, which is extrovert and circles around self-interested, achieving goals and accumulating property, we are expected to manage life using reason and logic: at work, we are expected to optimize operations and be profitable, to manage time; Working for a living consumes our lives; We need advice on relationships with family and our children and advice on how to create leisure and improve health; All this burden placed on our shoulders should be managed by the power of logic, but for some reason we are surprised that it does not always succeed. The banks also expect us to properly manage our private account, to properly manage the business accounts. Some of us are successful and others want to be more successful. How many of us get tired of the rush and want to abandon the campaign for a while?
So how can it be done?! The counter continues to tick.
In modern life, very high precision of function is required, and the failure is not always due to poor cognitive management. Sometimes we exhaust our rational capacity, and in fact what prevents the next stage of development is another element of our personality that is not reflected in the areas of thinking, logic, and self-interested goals. Because our vocation is broader and therefore, we have more than only one space of consciousness governed by the laws of logic. We have spaces that create an associative world, an emotional world, a world of silence and other. We must learn to take care of ourselves and the environment at all levels of our consciousness and not only in the field of rational content.
How do we do it?
We observe the non-rational spaces of consciousness through our inwardly directed senses and imagination.
Yes, that part activated in dreams and pushed aside during waking hours. Each of us has an imaginary power. We dream, fantasize, hope, expect, plan. All these belong to us and are part of the whole. Dreaming, fantasizing, hoping, expecting, planning. All these belong to you and is part of what you are.
For example, during an urgent and prolonged business sitting, suddenly the desire for a back massage arises; Maybe we haven't found time to have sex and can't think clearly; We haven't gone on vacation for six months; the holyday passed in the bustle of guests and family, and basically what you want is just to stare. Because even though you want to be lucid in your thoughts and functioning, you are not successful because parts of your personality rebel against the effective intellectual management, just as a social minority rebel against the government because of distress resulting from neglect.
Therefore, the knowledge that each and every one of us is a space just like a country, creates a change of perception regarding the self. If, for example, everyone treats themselves as a small country, it will be possible to identify the part that suffers from poverty, lack of nurturing or the underground part that is driven by rage and terrorizes the duration of the day.
Studying the ‘seven gates of wisdom’ way allows seeing an accurate map of the inner space in all its parts, knowing the contents that operate in it, understanding the motives and effects and managing all the parts that together form the whole that is you.